Technology & Construction
In today’s world, technology and digital input are playing an ever-increasing role in construction, particularly in how buildings and dwellings are developed, managed and delivered to its users.
With new and updated building regulations coming into force over the coming months and years to ensure safer, better performing, and greener buildings, it’s a period of change and adaptability in construction.
The updated building regulations have come into force on 15th June 2022, providing guidance on the conservation of fuel and power within new and refurbished dwellings. The uplifted Part L (or Approved Document L) of Building Regulation 40, requires all new homes registered in England and Wales to produce 31% less CO2 emissions on the current SAP model to meet compliance. This standard will complement existing building regulations and will be the turning point in which the UK government is hoping to reduce carbon emissions in new homes by 75-80%.

What are the main changes to Part L?
There are many components that form part of the process to make properties more energy efficient but main changes to part L 2021 include:
- Uplift in fabric insulation standards for all buildings
- Increased energy standards for heating, hot water and ventilation systems for all buildings
- Maximum primary energy rate – new standard for all buildings
- Greater focus on as built construction to reduce the performance gap between design performance and as built performance
It is essential that housebuilders and developers understand how to meet standards within these regulations, but also how they stay ahead of the curve by having the right tools and processes in place for compliance. To deliver against this 31% reduction, new homes will be assessed on the following four performance metrics:
- Primary energy
- Carbon dioxide emissions
- The fabric energy efficiency standard (FEES)
- Minimum standard for fabric and fixed building standards

Photographic Evidence
But let’s dig deeper into the new requirement for Photographic Evidence of the uplifted Part L standard (or Approved Document L 2021) of the UK’s Building Regulation 40.
The requirement to capture photographic evidence to comply with Part L 2021 is now mandatory. Contractors, builders and developers now need to demonstrate through photographs that new builds and refurbished dwellings are constructed using materials, methods, and technology that meet standards and ensure energy savings to reach targets. For SAP assessors to release EPCs (Energy Performance Certificates) and the new BREL Report (Building Regulation England Part L Report), contractors will need proof of work done. An on-site audit of building details and thermal elements will be required during construction and at completion for building regulation approval, including photographic evidence. This will provide proof that all construction has used the correct methods, materials, and technology that ensure energy savings and meet building regulation standards. Specific requirements for photographic evidence are outlined in Appendix B of Part L 2021, but in short, photos are required to be taken during construction and prior to the production of the EPC and BREL output compliance report.

Photographic Requirements
These photos must be unique to each property and property detail, and ensure the as-built construction truly reflects that of the design stage SAP calculation to ensure the quality and installation is in accordance with best practice and the assumed performance. Drawings should be reviewed by the lead designer and installer ensuring:
- Robustness;
- Continuity of Insulation;
- Limitation of thermal bridging.
Buildability Failure to comply with a photo log of evidence throughout construction process poses a risk of severe project delays, as this evidence can’t be provided retrospectively once properties are built.
There are available many apps to make sure the photographic requirements are met:
Every photo taken and submitted to the assessor should be digital and of high enough resolution to allow a qualitative audit of the subject detail. This means close-ups may be required, geo-location enabled to show date, time, and location of each image, and a file name to include the house/plot number and reference according to the property detail so photos are traceable. Part L requires all photos to be taken at appropriate stages of construction when each detail is completed and prior to closing up works.

If you need advice on the best platforms available for your project, or you need help to comply with the new Building regulations: